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OBSBOT Privacy Policy

OBSBOT and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us") are very concerned about protecting the privacy and security of our users (hereinafter referred to as "users" or "you"). Therefore, we have established the OBSBOT Privacy Policy (the "Policy"), please read it carefully. Our products described in this Policy include hardware product devices and corresponding apps such as OBSBOT Center (Formerly OBSBOT WebCam), Obsbot Start.
This Policy describes in detail the types of data we collect, how we use and protect your personal information. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not use our services. By using any of our services, you agree that we may lawfully use and protect your personal information in accordance with this Policy.
This Policy describes:
1. Collection of Personal Information
2. The Use of Personal Information
3. Cookies & Similar Technologies
4. Third-party live streaming services like YouTube and Facebook
5. Personal Information Share, Transfer and Disclosure
6. Protection and Storage of Personal Information
7. Your Rights
8. Children’s Privacy
9. California Privacy Rights
10. The Policy Update
11. Contact us

1. Collection of Personal Information

Personal Information means information about an identifiable individual. It includes information that you have provided to us or was collected by us from other sources. It may include details such as your name and address, email address, credit card number, and shipping address, to the extent permitted by local laws.
When you use our products and services, you may decide to provide us with your personal information based on your personal choice. If you provide it voluntarily, you agree to our collection of your personal information. We will collect and use your personal information strictly in accordance with this Policy and the principles of legality, justice, necessity and integrity. If you do not use our specific products and services, you do not need to provide the relevant information. In some cases, if you choose to refuse to provide us with information in the course of using our products or services, we may not be able to guarantee to provide you with the appropriate complete service or respond to and resolve your questions in a timely manner.
Please be aware that the definitions of the aforementioned concepts may differ under the personal information protection laws and regulations of different countries or regions. When using our products or services in different countries, we will adhere to the applicable local laws and regulations to define these terms. We also assure you that we will strictly comply with the personal data protection laws and regulations of your country or region.
We may de-identify information we collect so the information cannot reasonably identify you or your device, or we may collect information that is already in de-identified form. Our use and disclosure of de-identified information is not subject to any restrictions under this Privacy Policy, and we may use and disclose it to others for any purpose, without limitation.
The personal information we collect includes:
● Information You Provide to Us
i. Registration Information
The information you fill in when you register as our user, such as your account, password, e-mail address, user name, avatar, etc.
ii. Orders Information
The information you need to provide when you purchase our products or services, such as your phone number, delivery address, bank card number, remittance account number, remittance amount, and other identification, payment, and receipt information required to generate the order, as well as the relevant invoice information (invoice type, bank account, invoice content, invoice amount) required for invoicing.
iii. Audio Information
When you use our products for audio interaction (audio control, etc.), we will collect your audio information, determine your needs and provide you with real-time processing feedback. Please be aware that while your audio information may contain personal information about you or others, we don’t identify individuals based on the content of the personal information involved.
iv. Image & Video Information
When you use the video function of our products, we may collect images and video information that you have entered yourself. Please be aware that while the images and videos you enter may contain personal information about you or others, we do not identify individuals based on the content of the personal information involved.
v. Interaction Information
Information involved in your communications through our customer service, email or websites, such as a record of communications between the parties. This allows us to better assist you with your inquiries and improve the quality of our customer service.
vi. Other Information
In order to provide you with better products and services, we may collect personal information in addition to the above categories with your consent.
● Information from the Use of Products and Services
i. Device Information
When you use our hardware products and services, we automatically receive and record information about your device, including type, model, firmware number, MAC address, system version number and system settings. We rely on this information to provide services to you and to ensure the safe operation of your device.
When you download or use our App, we will receive and record information about the device you use to install and use the APP, including your device hardware model, operating system version number, Media Access Control (MAC), IP address, software version number, and permission granted to us to access videos and photos from your device. Please understand that this information is essential for us to collect in order to provide our services, ensure the proper functioning of our products and prompt for updates to our software.
When you visit our platform web pages, we automatically receive and record information of your browser and computer, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, GPS address, screen resolution, operating system and version, device model, language, Internet browser and version, etc.
ii. Log information
In order to ensure your normal use of our products and maintain the normal operation of our services, we will automatically record the logs related to the operation process.
iii. Other Information
In order to provide you with better products and services, we may collect personal information in addition to the above categories with your consent.

2. The Use of Personal Information

We use your personal information to provide and improve our products and services, to give you a more seamless, consistent, and personalized experience. We will always do so subject to applicable law and your consent where it’s required.
i. Review and approve the user's account registration application.
ii. Providing and Improving Our Products and Services
We use personal data to help us provide and improve our products, services, and advertising. This includes using personal data for purposes such as data analysis, research, and audits. Such processing is based on our legitimate interest in offering you products and services and for business continuity. We use data to improve our products, add new features or capabilities, report errors, improve security, determine what new features to prioritize, and improve efficiency. Optimize the performance of your device and improve your experience by performing performance analysis and upgrades of your device hardware or software.
iii. Customer Support
We use data to diagnose product problems, repair customers' devices, and provide other customer care and support services.
iv. Communicating with You
Subject to your prior express consent, we may use personal data to send you marketing communications in relation to our own products and services, communicate with you about your account or transactions, and inform you about our policies and terms. If you no longer wish to receive email communications for marketing purposes, please contact us to opt-out. We also may use your data to process and respond to your requests when you contact us. Subject to your prior express consent, we may share your personal data with third party partners who may send you marketing communications in relation to their products and services. Subject to your prior express consent, we may use personal data to personalize your experience with our products and services and on third-party websites and applications and to determine the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns.
NOTE: For any of the uses of your data described above that require your prior express consent, note that you may withdraw your consent by contacting us.
v. Business Operations and Marketing Communications
We may use pseudonymous and aggregated data to create statistics and analysis. If you enter a contest, or other promotion, we may use the personal data you provide to administer those programs. Some of these activities have additional rules, which may contain further data about how we use personal data, so we encourage you to read those rules carefully before participating.
vi. Security and Safety
We abide by the principles of legality, legitimacy, and transparency, use, and process the least data within a limited scope of purpose and take technical and administrative measures to protect the security of the data. We use personal data to help verify accounts and user activity, as well as to promote safety and security, such as by monitoring fraud and investigating suspicious or potentially illegal activity or violations of our terms or policies. Such processing is based on our legitimate interest in helping ensure the safety of our products and services.
The laws in some jurisdictions require companies to tell you about the legal grounds they rely on to process your information. Our legal bases for processing your information as described in this Privacy Policy are as follows:
i. Where use of your information is necessary to perform our obligations under a contract or commitment to you. For example, to provide the services you’ve requested from us, or to comply with our website terms of service.
ii. Where use of your information furthers our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others. For example, to provide security for our services, operate our business and our services, make and receive payments, defend our legal rights, and prevent fraud.
iii. Where we use your information to comply with applicable legal obligations. For example, keeping track of purchases for tax and auditing purposes.
iv. Where you have consented to our processing of your information for a particular purpose.
If you are located in the European Economic Area, we will only use your information when we have a valid legal ground, including when:
i. You have consented to the use of your information, for example to send you marketing communications.
ii. We need to use your information to enter into or perform a contract with you, for example to deliver products, to provide map services, or provide you with the customer support and other after-sales services.
iii. We need to use your information to comply with a legal obligation, for example to comply with a court order, subpoena, or warrant.
iv. We or a third party have a legitimate interest in using your information. In particular, we have a legitimate interest in using your information to understand and improve our products and services, and to monitor for and prevent fraud. We only rely on our own or a third party’s legitimate interests to process your information when these interests are not overridden by your rights and interests.

3. Cookies & Similar Technologies

● Cookies
A Cookies is a text file stored by a web server on a computer or mobile device to improve your experience when you visit a web page. We may collect and use your information through Cookies. Our primary purpose for using Cookies is to provide you with a more personalized user experience and services, and for the following purposes:
i. To identify you. For example, Cookies helps us identify you as our registered user or save information provided to us about your preferences or other information and to save you from having to repeatedly enter your registration information.
ii. To analyze your use of our services. For example, we may use Cookies to understand what activities you use our services for or which services are most popular with you.
iii. To ensure security. To help us secure our data and services and detect cheating, hacking, and fraud against our products and services.
We may also automatically record certain information from your device by using various types of technology. This automatically collected information may include your IP address, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites that you visit just before or just after you use a product or service, the dates and times that you visit, access, or use our products and services, etc.
When you first visit our platform website or use our platform services, if you agree to our use of Cookies in accordance with the terms of this Policy, you are allowing us to use Cookies each time you visit or use thereafter. You can disable or manage Cookies and similar technologies by configuring your browser. However, if you disable Cookies or similar technologies, you may not be able to use the features or services of our Platform or website properly.
● Third-Party Websites and Services
When a customer operates a link to a third-party website that has a relationship with us, we do not assume any obligation or responsibility for such policy because of the third party's privacy policy. Our websites, products, and services may contain links to or the ability for you to access third-party websites, products, and services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by those third parties, nor are we responsible for the information or content their products and services contain. This Privacy Statement applies solely to data collected by us through our products and services. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of any third party before proceeding to use their websites, products, or services.

4. Third-party live streaming services like YouTube and Facebook

To provide you with live streaming services to third-party apps or platforms (e.g. YouTube, Facebook), and guarantee normal creation and running of the services, our devices or apps will collect the information upon your authorization when you register or use the services by the following means.
Collection of account information: when you register and log into third-party apps or platforms through our devices or apps, your nickname, user avatar images and authorization token will be collected by our devices or apps.
Storage and protection of personal information: Your information will be stored and encrypted in our devices or apps after a successful authorization. We will safeguard the security of information with various security protection measures within the reasonable security level.
Usage of personal information: Your information from third-party apps or platforms are used to help you configure live streaming services, establish connections between our devices or apps and the third-party apps or platforms, and start live streaming to your destinations.
Refresh of personal information: Your personal information from third-party apps or platforms will be refreshed each time before you use related features to ensure that stored information remains up-to-date with the information on the third-party apps or platforms.
Deletion of personal information: To delete your information, you can delete the created server from our devices or apps (e.g. YouTube server, Facebook server), or you can remove our devices or apps from trusted apps from your third-party apps or platforms. For example, you can delete devices or apps from Google account's security setting or Facebook. Your personal data will be deleted from our devices or apps upon request in 0 to 24 hours.
● Conditions Applying to Using YouTube
i. The Policy applies to use of the YouTube API Services in our products to stream video directly to your YouTube account and use of the Google Drive API Services to upload files to your Google Drive account.
ii. Google's privacy policy applies to videos once they are streamed to YouTube and files once they are uploaded to Google Drive. Google's Privacy Policy can be accessed at
iii. Our products use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use Requirements.
● Conditions Applying to Using Facebook
i. The Policy applies to use of the Facebook API Services in our products to stream video directly to your Facebook account.
ii. Meta Privacy Policy applies to videos once they are streamed to Facebook. Meta Privacy Policy can be accessed at

5. Personal Information Share, Transfer and Disclosure

● Sharing of Personal Information
i. When you use our app, we will strictly protect your information and will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual outside of OBSBOT.
ii. When you use our purchasing services to buy our hardware products online, we must share your personal information (name, contact details, address) with logistics service providers to arrange delivery, or with associated companies, partners, and third-party service providers, contractors, and agents to provide the corresponding services. We will only share your personal information for legitimate, proper, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only the personal information necessary to provide the services will be shared.
iii. We may share your personal information with external parties in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements, or upon mandatory requests by government authorities.
● Transfer of Personal Information
Transfer refers to the process of transferring control of personal information from us to another information controller. We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except for the following cases:
i. According to laws and regulations or mandatory administrative or judicial requirements.
ii. Transfer with explicit consent.
iii. In the event of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to obtain your authorization and consent again.
● Public Disclosure
We will only disclose your personal information in the following cases:
i. After obtaining your explicit consent.
ii. Disclosure based on legal requirements. In cases where it is mandatory under the law, legal procedures, litigation, or mandatory requirements of government regulatory authorities, we may disclose your personal information publicly.
Please be aware that according to legal provisions, sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of anonymized personal information are not considered as sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing of such data will not require separate notification and your consent.

6. Protection and Storage of Personal Information

● Information Protection
We attach great importance to the protection of user privacy and personal information. We employ various security technologies and measures to provide appropriate protection for your information, to prevent information loss, improper use, unauthorized access or disclosure.
i. We will use various security protection measures within a reasonable security level to ensure information security, such as encryption technology, anonymous processing, and data access control.
ii. We establish dedicated management systems, processes, and organizations to ensure information security. For example, we strictly limit the scope of personnel accessing information, require them to comply with confidentiality obligations, and conduct reviews.
iii. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant personal information is not collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this Policy, unless an extension of the retention period is required or permitted by law.
However, please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means, even with our best efforts to strengthen security measures, it is not always possible to guarantee 100% information security. If any security incidents related to personal information leakage are caused by our issues, we will initiate an emergency plan to prevent the incident from expanding and notify you through push notifications, announcements, and other forms. If you discover that your personal information has been leaked, please contact us immediately so that we can take corresponding measures as soon as possible.
● Storage of Information
The information and materials collected about you will be stored on our and/or our affiliates' servers and may be transferred to, accessed, stored and displayed in your country, region or location where we collect the information and materials. We will ensure that data storage complies with applicable personal information protection laws and regulations through the implementation of strict security measures.
Please be aware that when you use our products and services in other countries or regions, we will strictly comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding the storage of personal information in the country or region where you are located (e.g., if you are a user from the European Union exclusive economic zone, we will strictly comply with relevant provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union).
When the jurisdictions have not established laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information, we will ensure that your personal information is given the same level of protection as in the People's Republic of China.
We will retain your personal information for the time necessary to achieve the processing purposes during your use of our products and services, unless applicable laws and regulations or national normative documents require otherwise. After the above-mentioned period, or if you actively request the deletion of your personal information or cancel your account, we will delete your personal information as soon as possible in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, unless applicable laws and regulations or national normative documents require that such information be retained for a longer period.
After you terminate your use of our products and services, we will cease to collect and use your information, except as required by applicable laws and regulations or regulatory authorities.
In the event that our products and services cease to operate, we will notify you in the form of push notifications and announcements, and delete your personal information from the server within the time limit required by applicable laws and regulations.

7. Your Rights

We provide you with the ability to exercise certain controls and choices regarding our collection, use, and disclosure of your information. Depending on the laws in your jurisdiction of residence (e.g., China, EU), you may request:
i. Access to, or a copy of, your information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
ii. General information about our processing activities.
iii. Confirmation that we are processing your information.
iv. Correction or rectification of your information.
v. Deletion of your information.
vi. Transfer of your information to a third party.
vii. Information portability, where technically feasible.
viii. Restriction or objection to certain processing of your information.
ix. To withdraw your consent to our use of your information for certain processing purposes, where the processing purpose was based on your consent.
EU users also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the EU Member State of their habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if they consider that our processing of their personal information infringes the applicable data protection laws. Please contact us at
Please be aware that the personal data protection laws and regulations in different countries or regions may have different requirements for the user rights you enjoy. When using our products and services, we will strictly comply with the personal data protection laws and regulations of your country or region, and legally protect your rights. For example, if you are a user from the European Union (EU) Exclusive Economic Zone, you can exercise not only the rights mentioned above but also the rights specified in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), such as the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, and the right to make autonomous decisions.
We will take appropriate technical measures to ensure that you can exercise your rights in the products and services, or contact us through the channels specified in this Policy to assist you in exercising your rights. Upon receipt of your application, we will process it according to the procedure. For security purposes, we may ask you to verify your identity first, and then process your request after successful verification. We generally do not charge for your reasonable requests, but for multiple, repetitive, or unreasonable requests beyond reasonable limits, we may charge a certain cost. For requests that are groundless, require excessive technical means (such as developing a new system or fundamentally changing current practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical (such as requests involving information stored on backup tapes), we may refuse them. We appreciate your understanding.
If you are unable to exercise your rights or believe that we have violated any laws or regulations or any agreement with you regarding the collection or use of personal information, please contact us for resolution.

8. Children’s Privacy

Our products, website, and services are intended for adults. Therefore, we do not intentionally collect, use, or disclose personal information of minors. We will protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.
We consider anyone under the age of 16 to be a minor.
i. If you are a minor over the age of 13, we will obtain your consent and that of your guardian before collecting your personal information. If you, your parents, or other guardians request correction or deletion of the personal information of minors, we will promptly take measures to correct or delete it, except as otherwise provided by law or administrative regulations.
ii. If you are a minor under the age of 13 (hereinafter referred to as a child), we will obtain the consent of your parents or other guardians before collecting your personal information. In addition to complying with the provisions of this Policy on user personal information, we will also strictly follow the requirements of laws and regulations for the storage, use, and disclosure of personal information of children. We will delete the personal information of children when it expires.
If your country or region has specific legal requirements for the age determination and protection of personal information of minors, we will strictly comply with the laws and regulations of that country or region.
If we discover that we have collected personal information of minors without the prior consent of their guardians, we will terminate the account and service and delete the personal information. If you know that a minor has provided personal data to us without the consent of their guardian, please contact us immediately, and we will delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

9. California Privacy Rights

In addition to the details about personal information we collect from consumers described above, this section provides the rights afforded to California consumers under the California Consumer Privacy Act or “CCPA.”
The California Code of Regulations defines a "resident" as:
Every individual who is in the State of California for other than a temporary or transitory purpose and every individual who is domiciled in the State of California who is outside the State of California for a temporary or transitory purpose. All other individuals are defined as "non-residents."
CCPA Rights Disclosure: If you are a California resident, the CCPA allows you to make certain choices regarding your personal information, as described below.
You have the right to request, twice in a 12-month period, that we disclose to you the personal information we have collected, used, disclosed and sold about you during the past 12 months. The personal data that we collect, or has collected from consumers in the past twelve months falls into the following categories under the California Consumer Privacy Act:
i. Identifiers
Contact details, such as real name, alias, postal address, telephone or mobile contact number, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address and account name.
ii. Personal Information Categories Listed in the California Customer Records Statute
Name, contact information.
iii. Commercial Information
Transaction information, purchase history and payment information.
iv. Internet or Other Similar Network Activity
Browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our and other websites, applications, systems and advertisements.
v. Geolocation data
Device location.
vi. Audio, electronic, visual, Thermal, Olfactory, or Similar Information
Images and audio, video or call recordings created in connection with our business activities.
● Right to Request Access to or Deletion of Personal Data
You may have the right under the California Consumer Privacy Act to request information about our collection of your personal data, or access to or deletion of your personal data. If you wish to request information or delete your personal data, please email to contact us.
● No Sale of Personal Data
In the twelve months prior to the effective date of this Disclosure, we have not sold any personal information of consumers, as those terms are defined under the California Consumer Privacy Act. We will not sell your personal data.
● Rights to Limit
The CCPA allows you to limit the use or disclosure of your “sensitive personal information” (as defined in the CCPA) if your sensitive personal information is used for certain purposes. Please note that we do not use or disclose sensitive personal information other than for business purposes for which you cannot opt out under the CCPA.
● Personal Information Rights
Please see the “Your Rights” section of our Privacy Policy above for information about the additional rights you have with respect to your personal information under California law and how to exercise them.
● California “Shine the Light” Disclosure
The California “Shine the Light” law gives residents of California the right under certain circumstances to opt out of the disclosure of certain categories of personal information (as defined in the Shine the Light law) with third parties for their direct marketing purposes, or in the alternative, that we provide a cost-free means for consumers to opt out of any such disclosure. We do not currently disclose your personal information to third parties for their own direct marketing purposes.
The CCPA further provides you with the right to not be discriminated against (as provided for in applicable law) for exercising your rights. Please note that certain information may be exempt from such requests under California law. For example, we need to retain certain information in order to provide services to you. We also will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before responding to a request from you or an authorized agent. If you would like further information regarding your legal rights under California law or would like to exercise any of them, please contact us at

10. The Policy Update

We will occasionally update this Policy to keep pace with new technologies, industry practices, and regulatory requirements, among other reasons. If we make any changes to the Policy, we will post an updated Privacy Policy on this page.
We encourage you to periodically review this page for our most current Privacy Policy. By continuing to use our products and services after this Policy is in effect, you acknowledge that you have fully read, understood and accepted the updated Policy.
We will also provide more prominent notice of material changes (including, but not limited to, a special notice on the page you visit to explain the specific changes to the Policy). Material changes within the meaning of this Policy include, but are not limited to:
i. Significant changes to our service model. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way personal information is used, etc.
ii. Significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as change of ownership caused by business restructuring, bankruptcy and merger, etc.
iii. Changes in the main recipients of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure.
iv. Significant changes in your rights to participate in the handling of personal information and the manner in which they are exercised.
v. When there is a change in the department responsible for handling personal information security, our contact method and complaint channel.
vi. When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

11. Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Policy or the way we handle personal information, please contact us at the following email address: We will respond to your questions and concerns as soon as possible.